To understand my mission as a Holistic Healer and Spiritual Teacher, it’s important to understand a little about me-

Hi, my name is Corry MacDonald and before living a nomadic global life for 25+ years with my partner and three kids, I grew up in Alberta Canada, spending much of my life immersed in nature.

Childhood memories include being splayed out on the ground under an inky blue starry sky, watching the Aurora Northern Lights rise, dancing like liquid paint of green and pink neon. I would regularly seek respite from the challenges in my childhood under the warm, safe shelter of snow-capped evergreen trees bundled up tight in my snowsuit in sub-zero temperatures.

At 10 years old, leaning back on a strong tree trunk for support, I enjoyed my first soul connections with Source. At times, I invited friends to join me, circling under the pine scented branches with me. Perhaps such moments formed the origins of what was to come through me and the work that I came here to do.

Holding a safe space to help others release painful conditioned parts to remember and return to their natural light-filled soul dance is why I’m here-

Just as I knew in my childhood that I was part of those Aurora lights illuminating the sky and sharing that safe spirit-filled space with others mattered, I know that is what I am here for now.

I have the joy of walking beside those on a journey from helplessness to wholeness. Everything that I share has been tried and tested in my own ongoing life journey. Every pain-filled challenge, depression, and struggle in my life path led me to seek out help and eventually I trained in whatever medicine restored whole health to me — in body, mind and spirit.

It’s through this lifetime of experience and soul search to soothe my own struggles that my holistic healing practice was born.

The four key modalities which I synthesize into the foundation of what I share with those who seek my support include-

  • Transpersonal Art Therapy

  • Intuitive Energy Healing

  • Metaphysical Hypnotherapy (with a Clinical Foundation)

  • Body Mind Reset Technique

There are several training experiences that flow into the work as well-

Incorporating a vast array of learning, supports me to be with “what is in the moment” while I attune to what Source is flowing through me as a healing agent;

  • Masters in Psychology

  • Distinction Degree Art and Design

  • Advanced Cognitive Coaching

  • Transcendental Meditation

  • Heart Speaking

  • Reiki Training

  • Reconnective Healing

  • Advanced student of Dr. Joe Dispenza

More ways to work with me

With the same intention of sharing with those in that “wholeness circle” under blue pine trees, I am also happy to share that I am offering, by invitation only, my Foundational Healer Training to emerging healers a few times throughout the year.

I am also here to collaborate anywhere around the sacred circle of our planet supporting those who are sharing healing, creativity and curious wonder into the world.

Whether you desire my presence on your podcast, at your retreat, in your wellness center, classroom, conference, or event (live or online), feel free to connect with me.

I welcome you as this is the time for our humanity to expand in co-creative energy. Truly, it is a wonder-FULL moment in time to be co-creating!