You’re not alone anymore. Together, we can go beneath the surface.


  • Using a blend of modalities personalized to each client, you will be guided in identifying the beliefs and past experiences that are playing out in your current reality and affecting your wellbeing. This will start the process of resolving the imbalances causing your symptoms and begin releasing the many layers covering up your true self.

    Single Session Packages are the perfect way to start your healing journey and help with a variety of problems such as:

    • Depression and feelings of unworthiness, shame and doubt

    • Poor physical health, chronic pain, and recurring injury

    • Addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy patterns in daily life, work and relationships

    What You’ll Get

    • Live 90 minute 1x1 session via Zoom

    • Personalized tools for navigating your unique obstacles in your journey

    • Follow up resources tailored to your unique needs to bridge your session

    90 mins | €200 | Book a Consultation

  • A 3-month high-touch transformation program that integrates deep inner healing and spiritual support to help you completely reset your body and mind. Shed layers of conditioning and emerge as a transformed, fully empowered version of yourself.

    This Holistic Transformation program is best suited for individuals who:

    • Have been on a self-healing journey but have hit a wall and need help going deeper

    • Are fully committed to doing the work required for inner transformation

    • Have an interest or curiosity in becoming a healer themselves one day

    Limited spots available. Book a consultation to learn more.

    By Application Only | Learn More

  • Offered a few times a year, this 6 week training provides you with the foundational tools to begin your work as an energy healer. Students learn to deepen their connection with Source while enriching their life and practice day by day. Upon completion, students will be ready to step into their role as a healer — whether the intention is to offer healing for oneself and/or one’s family, friends and pets or to begin a new career working with clients or both!

    Foundational Healer training is for those who:

    • Have been on a self-healing journey and are ready to claim their role as a healer

    • Are fully committed to doing the work required to step into this role

    • Can commit to six 60 minute online training sessions as well as 15-20 minutes of deepening exercises each day

    Next class begins January 2024. Book a consultation to see if you’re a good fit.

    By Invitation Only | Book a Consultation


  • “Holistic” is defined as the parts of something interconnected to the whole and “healing” is defined as a return to a natural state of wholeness. Holistic health takes an inclusive mind, body and spirit approach that includes multiple modalities, disciplines, practices and cultures to heal people, families, communities and even our planet.

  • Single Session Packages with me are 90 minutes long. In your first session, after a thorough intake, you will experience the release of unhelpful memory files causing blocks, triggers, habits or fears from the subconscious mind that are holding you back and causing pain. These are replaced with helpful habits, beliefs and behaviors that will support your true self to shine through in your daily life.

    While some issues may resolve in one session, others (such as big fears, anxieties, anger issues, sleep issues, grief, PTSD, perfectionism, hoarding and physical health issues) require more sessions to access deeper layers below the presenting issue. Releasing these layers naturally restores a sense of calm and lightness of being as you are no longer carrying the heavy conditioning as before.

    I cannot say exactly how many sessions it will take as this depends on the individual’s life experiences, traumas, density of conditioning, previous healing done and what one desires to achieve. At times, if a deeper level of support is needed, I invite clients into my 3 month Holistic Transformation program. Learn more here.

  • Holistic healing can help help with a variety of things such as:

    * Inner child work (for those struggling with childhood trauma)

    * Anxiety (generalized, social, PTSD, stress disorder, panic attacks)

    * Disconnection to your true self (lack of confidence, motivation, purpose and joy)

    * Unhealthy habits (people pleasing, over-giving, overeating)

    * Body/Mind/Spirit alignment (pain management, mind-body physical healing, performance, regulation for stress)

    * Spiritual awakening (meditation, breathwork, past life regression, inner journeys to your Higher Power)

  • Absolutely. While we appear to be solid and separate beings, the new science shows us we are actually vibrating quarks of energy, light and intelligence. All healing is energetic, shifting from density to light. Energy is not bound by time or space so whether you are in my physical healing space or across the planet on a video call is of no concern. As long as you are open and willing, then healing can happen. Most of my sessions are done online with clients living in countries around the globe. Many prefer to be in the comfort of their own home so that they can relax easier. However, I do have a home healing space available to those who live locally and prefer in-person sessions.

  • Anyone can be put under hypnosis as long as they understand and follow the suggestions and are open and willing to be hypnotized. We are all in a state of hypnosis naturally through each day, while staring at a program on TV or driving a familiar route home and arriving back surprised to realize the mind was focused elsewhere during the entire trip. Hypnosis is not the modality I suggest for every client such as those who struggle to relax or have low levels of trust rooted in past trauma or childhood conditioning. As part of your intake, we will determine if this modality is right for you.

  • This is a very common question, but there has never been a documented case of anyone being stuck in hypnosis. Just as you can choose to enter the hypnotic state or not, you can choose to come out of hypnosis as it’s a natural state of focus and relaxation.

  • Just as each of us have a different set of fingerprints, each of us have different life experiences that draw us to some healing modalities over others. While some clients know exactly what modality they want to work with when they reach out, others aren’t sure. The pathway of healing unfolds naturally through the first intake session and each client follows their own unique path.

    All the forms of healing I offer, energy healing, art therapy, hypnotherapy, or Body Mind Reset Technique (BMRT) provide different paths to the same place — the subconscious — where the roots of the problems can be accessed, released and reset according to your needs. In all cases, the client leads and if the client is unsure, I will advise and guide your path in accordance with my expertise.

  • Other healing modalities provide different ways of creating safety, rest and repair in the system by releasing memory files causing disturbance. Some, not all, take the next step to replace them with what is helpful and healthful. Each modality does so with a different emphasis and result.

    Depending on personal preference, life experience, and openness, coupled with factors such as practitioner’s ability and skill, various holistic modalities will resonate differently for everyone. Like most healers, I share with my clients the modalities that have brought me the greatest transformation and alignment for ease and joy in my life.

    There’s no “best” method here as the words “holistic healing” point to an inclusive and integrated return to wholeness. At different points in the journey, different modalities are helpful. It’s beneficial to take an inclusive approach and decide what feels best for you.

  • BMRT stands for Body Mind Reset Technique developed by Breda McQuaid (details here). BMRT has the capacity to resolve many different emotional and physical problems or conditions. This technique is able to identify limiting beliefs or past experiences which are present in the unconscious mind which are causing detrimental negative effects. This negative effect disrupts the chemistry of the brain resulting in feelings of anxiety or possibly causing a negative effect of the immune system resulting in physical symptoms.

    The client often believes because the event happened a long time ago that it is in the past and resolved, when in fact, chemically the effects of that event is still ongoing causing an imbalance in their system possibly leading to anxiety or many other negative feelings or physical conditions. This theory, I believe is in alignment with the work of Dr Hans Selye, General Adaptation Syndrome.

    After identifying the limiting belief or past event which is causing this negative chemistry, through the technique described below, I am then able to disconnect the original trigger/event/belief and reset the unconscious mind. Resetting the unconscious in this way means that homeostasis is restored and the client is unable to find the original negative feeling they presented with which validates that unconsciously what they previously believed was resolved was in fact unresolved. This is a permanent reset

Still have questions?

If you have questions you’d like answered before deciding to book a consultation, you can contact Corry here.

Start your transformation today.