Energy Doesn’t Die, It Just Changes Form

Today would have been the 82nd birthday of my father. While he passed relatively quickly, he lightened up his energy in his last days immensely and went across the veil peacefully to then become my guide for psychic mediumship.

I know, it’s not every daughter who can say this sort of thing, especially as my father was not an easy-to-be-with soul to grow up under (but then, that makes for vast learning on Earth School when we utilise and actualise our painful conditioning for transformative growth and wisdom). For this I am forever grateful to both of my parents for playing their roles in the ‘master class’ which can also be called ‘my childhood’.

If you’re still reading this then you likely know experientially what I mean :)

When us humans go through any structural shift which is painful - be it a death, a separation or divorce, an illness, a move or any big change - there is always a reorganising of energy amid the disruption. This can bring forth new gifts and deep wisdom as your learning happens and order is restored.

My father’s passing expanded my role from playing solely the ‘Holistic Healer’ to now include connector and communicator with departed souls.

Modern day Shaman and dear friend, Astrid Marx, and I discuss how this transition into mediumship happened organically while I was visiting Astrid in the Netherlands. While there, her long departed husband Pete and her mother came to me as my first medium experience with Spirit People with many overdue messages for Astrid.

We touch on this and much more on mediumship, should you be curious, in this episode of “Cocoa in the Kitchen with a Contemporary Shaman”.

So, this morning, as I rose and realised the date, June 12 (my father’s birthday) I got a strong sense to sit with him as a spirit out on the deck. To then find his favourite signs he shares with me, soft white feathers - way more than I could ignore -guiding me to my seat really made my day. No connection lost after his departure, he still makes me laugh in his unique way!

I invite you to tuck into this quick 60 second video to see where he hid the most special feather for me should you be curious!

You are most welcome to subscribe to my Youtube channel and pass it on to those who you feel are longing for some peace and knowing of our infinite, interconnected, authentic nature.

As a medium-in-training, I am always needing to practice my connection and communication with souls who have crossed over, so feel free to contact me to set up a time to meet with your loved one(s) across the veil should that be something you desire.

Above all, feel free to share what signs your departed loved ones use to connect with you, I would love to know.


#holistichealth #consciousness #medium #mediumship #feathers #soul #energytransformed #energyworker #soulconnection #signsfromspirit


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