What mobiles in motion reveal about change…

Last weekend while taking in an art show I stopped still in the gift shop watching a colourful mobile begin to shift and transform itself after I touched only one piece.

It got me thinking of the pages from my book “Life in Full Colours” which came through me during COVID. An early section in the first chapter where I write about one of my most painful periods in my life journey and how the wisdom of a mobile in motion came to me then too. It changed my whole approach to life.

Here’s an excerpt from Chapter 1 - Shake Things Up: How Depression, Direct Advice, and Disaster Woke Me Up for you along with a little video clip of the moving mobile in the art gift shop for you…

My Miracle Moment

And then it happened; in a moment, everything shook me up. Literally. It was 2011, and I was on a tightly packed train traveling back from Tokyo, on my way home from a first-time session with a new therapist, a warm, deeply intuitive woman who had just given me the support and the direct guidance that my heart had long been crying out for. By this point, I had been suffering from depression for some time, so to leave her feeling curious, even a little hopeful, was a big thing in itself.

She had really shaken me up, in a good way. She said the depression I’d been stuck in for the past several years was due to a rift between who I thought I should be for others and my Authentic Self. Appealing to the artist within me, she told me to start over, to turn everything upside down, and begin each day by sitting in absolute silence with my paints—no more retelling my victim story and no more running around saying “Yes” to everyone—joining endless coffee mornings and helping eachperson and committee who asked for my support, only to return home to my children and husband depleted and resentful that I said “Yes” again. Nothing more. Nothing less. I held her words like a lifeline.

She promised that if I was faithful to myself in this way, if I was watchful, things would change for me and, in turn, they would change for all the people around me. She used the analogy of a mobile hanging from the ceiling, where when one piece is touched, all the pieces move. She warned me that some people on the mobile would not want me to change—some people would prefer the over-giving, pasted-on-smile version of me to stay put—but to not let that deter me.

As I wrote everything down in my journal on the train ride home, I wondered what it might look like if I really took her advice. Suddenly, the train jarred and lurched forward, wildly—the infamous earthquake that triggered a devastating tsunami had hit Japan and left all of us passengers trapped underground for several hours.

So much transpired during those hours that I could write a whole book about it, but for now I want to focus on two key discoveries that changed my life miraculously. I would never have guessed that those hours spent underground would become a doorway to Awakening to Life.

The mobile in the shop transforming after only one piece was touched.

I invite you to share with me in the comments below what your life journey’s lowest points have cracked open for your deep learning and understanding. I would be honoured to hear from you as we humans all walk through different stories with very similar themes ultimately. Know too as we learn together, we rise together!

Above all, I encourage you to take care of that most precious piece - which is YOUR Essence, your Self - very well. If you need support to remove the layers of conditioning to access your True Self feel free to reach out to me here, we can work online or in person to move your piece to deep peace and let yourself be


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Energy Doesn’t Die, It Just Changes Form


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